Monday, February 3, 2014

AngularJS (Part 1)

Are you curious about ng-JS (AngularJS)?
 AngularJS has custom elements and attributes
It uses dependency injection
AngularJS is a framework that helps you build front-ends(UI) for web-based applications.

“AngularJS is a prescriptive client-side JavaScript framework used to
make single-page web apps”

Core Features Of ng-JS (AngularJS)
Two Way Data Binding
Model View Whatever
HTML Templates
Deep Linking
Dependency Injection

Two Way Data Binding.

      document.getElementById('yourName')[0].text = 'bob';

{{yourName}} -----DOM
    var yourName = 'bob';--------one place information
    ”$Scope enables two way data binding”
It makes it easy to change a value and effortlessly have it update the DOM.
No Repetition of code
No need to worry when to update DOM

MVVM Design
MVC Design Patterns
MVVM – Model View ViewModel

MVVM-How AngularJS is constructed?

 In the Part 2 we will explore more in details.
 If you have any comments than you can email me on


  1. Many greetings and tks to the webmasters of this website and Admin for always for sharing reliable information and well researched subject on the angularjs which otherwise can be learned either at regular or only at online Angularjs training centers.
