Monday, March 10, 2014

WebPage Performance :: Monitor and optimization

Monitor Page Performance Monitor and optimization

I was developing site and think how to monitor and increase the performance. After discussing with some subject matter expert and with my QA friend (yes I am developer than also QA is my friend :- ) )
I found couple of ways to test the page performance. That I would like to share with you.

There are mainly three good tools to test this (as far as I know)


Each one give us the great result, personally I like #1 google and #2 PingDom.


Pingdom major the performance using  water fall mechanisam and provide the details.


                Google analyze the page , do the load performance and give you result along with suggestion, It also give result for Mobile version as well.When I analyze the data for various website with google developer tool.

 I found that Java script, CSS can also increase the loading speed , also image is very crucial part if we use image cleverly than performance can be increase significantly    

Below are one snap shot of Google Developer tool for page speed.

As always your suggestions are welcome and you can write your feedback in below comment or you can email me on